Wisconsin Department of Justice Credible Leadership Education Academy

ICLD 2 Theories and Practices (42 hrs.)

This course, Credible Leadership Program: Theories and Practices, is designed to build on the curriculum of Credible Leadership Program: Foundations and Principles and raise participants’ level of organizational thought and team-building by focusing on theories and practices of organizational leaders from both private and public sectors who have made monumental changes within their organizations.

Instructors in this course will illustrate several meritorious examples of organizational leadership success and introduce participants to methods and rationale behind these highly successful best practices.



At the end of this course, students will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with the information received in class:

  • Understand how “Generational” differences affect a leader’s ability to influence an employee or a team.
  • Identify ways to improve Emotional Intelligence in Law Enforcement.
  • Identify 5 Levels of Leadership Maturity needed to draw a distinction between Good organizations and Great ones.
  • Understand the 4 Maxims of Conflict Management.
  • Identify and understand the 3 Types of Conflict.
  • Understand the Dimension-Control Matrix as it relates to Proactive Communication in the heat of chaos.
  • Understand the impact that stereotyping, bias, prejudice and discrimination have on the effectiveness of law enforcement; and how understanding various cultures points of view can enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement.
  • Understand the Johari Window and its relationship to Reflective Leadership.
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