At the end of this course, students will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with the information received in class:
- Understand how “Generational” differences affect a leader’s ability to influence an employee or a team.
- Identify ways to improve Emotional Intelligence in Law Enforcement.
- Identify 5 Levels of Leadership Maturity needed to draw a distinction between Good organizations and Great ones.
- Understand the 4 Maxims of Conflict Management.
- Identify and understand the 3 Types of Conflict.
- Understand the Dimension-Control Matrix as it relates to Proactive Communication in the heat of chaos.
- Understand the impact that stereotyping, bias, prejudice and discrimination have on the effectiveness of law enforcement; and how understanding various cultures points of view can enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement.
- Understand the Johari Window and its relationship to Reflective Leadership.